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Mike Lane FRPS

More from the reflection drinking pool

So far I have had 13 species down to my drinking pool in just a few weeks. Not bad for the winter months. Great tit, blue tit, coal tit, goldfinch, greenfinch, magpie, jackdaw, wren, collared dove, nuthatch, lesser redpoll, blackbird and pheasant. I am going to modify it so I can photograph birds on the two side edges, sideways on. Currently it is designed for the birds to land at the far end only, which means they are head on to me all of the time. Some days are better than others.  Today was almost none stop visits, with 3 species at one time, but other days can be a bit slow.

I am now renting the hide out if anyone is interested. £80 a person for the day, £150 for two people. Times to suit you, but 0900 to 1500 the light is good. Based near Studley in Warwickshire. You will need a lens of at least 300mm and up to 800mm with a tripod. The hide can be moved to any distance from the pool.

There are always going to be some birds coming to the pool, but if it is going slow the feeding station is very busy at the moment with a wooden two man hide only 10 meters away.

Great-spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major

Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
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