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Black-throated diver

Mike Lane FRPS

Black-throated diver, Finland. 800 iso. 1/500th at f8. Canon EOS 1d Mk1v. 800mm lens. The Black-throated diver is not such a rare bird in Finland and we watched two nests while on a short trip there. Both nests were very close to wooden summer houses that are so familiar around the Finish lakes. One was only 10 meters from an outhouse in the “garden”. Not that it is a proper garden, but amazing how close to humans they nested. Perhaps because man’s activity keeps predators at bay.

Some individuals can be quite confiding. I was standing in the water for this shot with no hide. Just keeping still, with the camera very low to the water on a tripod and a right-angled finder to save having to bend all the way down to the viewfinder and get a wet backside. If I had known I would have taken my chest waders for a bit more comfort.

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