We were due to go to Sardinia (Italy) on April 1st. The car hire company (Rentalcar.com) emailed to ask if I wanted to cancel with no fees charged. Very proactive of them. Easyjet cancelled the flight today, but did not email. I had to logon to their web site and I got a full refund. Booking.com also did not email, but when I checked their website was able to get a full refund on the hotel and is was advertised as a none refundable payment. They recognised coronavirus as a special circumstance. Purple Parking at Luton Airport refunded all but £10. Not a bad loss. I was expecting to have to claim on my travel insurance and expecting them to find a reason not to pay.
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- Mike Lane FRPS
- Mar 6, 2020
- 1 min read
Taken in Scotland near Avimore with the Olympus m1x and 120 fps video, so slow motion. At 1/250th shutter speed. I have also slowed it down in post production and finally taken a snapshot from one frame. I am amazed the quality you can get from a video frame.
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- Mike Lane FRPS
- Feb 27, 2020
- 0 min read
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